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Welcome to the library research guide for Social Work.
Here, you'll find the best resources (articles, books, and more) to help you succeed in your program.
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Search for articles, books, dissertations, and more
To see all NU Library Databases, go to the A-Z Database List.
Content: Journal article database from the American Psychological Association that indexes over 2,500 journals along with book chapters and dissertations.
Purpose: Provides a single source of vetted, authoritative research for users across the behavioral and social sciences.
Special Features: citations in APA Style®, updated bi-weekly, spans 600 years of content
Content: APA database that offers full-text for journals published by APA, the Canadian Psychological Association, Hogrefe Publishing Group and APA's Educational Publishing Foundation. View the APA PsycArticles Journal History for a complete coverage list.
Purpose: Important database for psychology, counseling, and education students.
Special Features: The database is updated bi-weekly all content is available in PDF and HTML formats.
Content: Journal articles, reports, and other worldwide literature on PTSD and other mental health consequences of traumatic events.
Purpose: Find information and public policy around the assessment, prevention, and treatment of traumatized populations
Special Features: Includes a read-aloud feature, PTSD and trauma focused thesaurus, listing of tests and measures.
Content: EBSCO’s nursing database covering biomedicine, alternative/complementary medicine, consumer health, and allied health disciplines.
Purpose: Database for research in nursing, medicine, and consumer health.
Special Features: Strong qualitative studies. Filter studies by nurse as author, evidence-based practice, and type of study. Includes MESH indexing, PICO search functionality, text-to-speech feature for some articles, and a tool for discovering citing articles.
Content: Biomedical and health journals. Provides MESH subject headings and offers the full text of many popular MEDLINE-indexed journals that are not available in other databases.
Purpose: Informs users about health and medicine topics
Special Features: Includes text-to-speech function for some articles
Content: Includes citations to millions of biomedical journal articles, as well as some books, book chapters, and reports.
Purpose: An essential database for biomedical and health topics
Special Features: Includes MeSH search functionality
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