Electronically request and receive articles, book chapters, or other resources when unavailable in full-text from the NU Library.
Content: APA database that offers full-text for journals published by APA, the Canadian Psychological Association, Hogrefe Publishing Group and APA's Educational Publishing Foundation. View the APA PsycArticles Journal History for a complete coverage list.
Purpose: Important database for psychology, counseling, and education students.
Special Features: The database is updated bi-weekly all content is available in PDF and HTML formats.
Content: Collection of more than 30 Proquest subject-specific databases covering Business, Health and Medical, Social Sciences, Education, Science and Technology, and Humanities.
Purpose: Students can view a massive amount of peer-reviewed research across multiple disciplines.
Special Features: Includes a Thesaurus feature that assists in using the database’s controlled vocabulary, as well as read-aloud feature. AI research assistant on the full text page with key takeaways.
Content: Provides hundreds of full-text psychology journals. It offers particularly strong coverage in child and adolescent psychology and counseling.
Purpose: Full-text database for psychologists, counselors, researchers, and students.
Special Features: Includes many journals indexed in APA PsycInfo.
Contains full text articles from 575 publications, including 550 peer-reviewed journals.
Content: Business research database covering topics including accounting, banking, economics, finance, international trade, marketing, management information systems, and more.
Purpose: This is a key database for business, accounting, and economics students.
Special Features: SWOT analysis functionality, market research reports, country reports, industry profiles, and more.
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