The following websites and databases will help you locate the information you'll need to complete your assignment.
Locate Census Data
U.S. Census Bureau Geocoder - Type in an address to locate the census tract it belongs to.
San Diego County census tract maps - Zoom in and select a region to determine the census tract.
Locate businesses and identify lifestyles within a community
Data Axle Reference Solutions -
U.S. Consumers/Lifestyle database - Use this database of U.S. Consumers to conduct market research, and locate friends and relatives.
U.S. Businesses database - The U.S. Business database contains millions of verified businesses that are updated weekly.
Search California Statistics
California Department of Public Health: The California Department of Public Health (CDPH) works to protect the public's health in the Golden State and helps shape positive health outcomes for individuals, families and communities
California Tobacco Control Branch - Yearly California Tobacco Facts and Figures reports.
California Department of Public Health: Center for Health Statistics and Informatics -Statistics related to worker health in CA.
California Health and Human Services: California Health Care Quality Report Cards
California Health Interview Survey - provides data on California's as well as on the states various racial and ethnic groups.
California Health Ranking - United Health Foundation, America's Health Rankings.
State Profiles: California - Project of the Kaiser Family Foundation and provides free, up-to-date, and easy-to-use health data.
Data Center, Kids Count: Health Statistics - California health profile of child well-being.
Health Data: Leading causes of death by ZIP CODE - This dataset is for death of California residents, by Zip Code, by cause of death.
Search San Diego County Statistics
Community Health Statistics - Health & Human Services Agency provides health statistics that describe health behaviors, diseases, and injuries for specific populations, in addition to health trends and comparisons to national targets.
Census Bureau: San Diego City Quick Facts - Quick Facts collects some demographic data for a given area.
SD County Medical Examiner: Statistics - Reports on causes of death in the county.
Search by Census Tract
Data Commons Place Explorer - Health behavior and outcomes
Places: Data for Local Health - Health behavior and outcomes
Social Determinants of Health - Race/ethnicity, education, poverty, urban/rural, socioeconomic status, and racial residential segregation indices defined using 2008-2012 American Community Survey data. Must request dataset.
NCHS Data Visualization Gallery - Life Expectancy at Birth for U.S. States and Census Tracts, 2010-2015
Census Reporter - General demographics
USDA Economic Research Service - Poverty index
OpenICPSR - Health care services. Must create account.
Center for Disease Control and Prevention 500 Cities Dataset - 7 measures (all teeth lost, dental visits, mammograms, Pap tests, colorectal cancer screening, core preventive services among older adults, and sleep less than 7 hours) for selected census tracts.
U.S. Census Bureau - Search health data by census tract, topic and years.
Search by State
Center for Disease Control and Prevention - Leading causes of death dataset request form. Choose 2018-2021: Underlying Cause of Death by Single-Race Categories to get started. You can then choose your parameters within the request form.
County Health Rankings - Health rankings by state
Search by Zip Code - Death profiles
Robert Wood Johnson Foundation - Life expectancy by zip code or street address
Windshield surveys are a form of direct observation that involve making visual observations of a neighborhood or community while driving—literally “looking through the windshield.”
State and County QuickFacts
QuickFacts is a part of the U.S. Census Bureau site and provides demographic information on a state and county level.
American Fact Finder
Maintained by the U.S. Census Bureau, this site provides easy access to Census demographic information, as well as national maps and the more detailed U.S. Census Bureau home page.
San Diego Health & Human Services Agency
A variety of statistical data can be found here, particularly from Live Well San Diego and Public Health Services.