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Search Google Trends

Search Google Trends to see search interest in a topic or search term over time, where it’s most searched, or related searches for a term!

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About Google Trends

Google Trends

Google Trends provides access to a largely unfiltered sample of actual search requests made to Google. It’s anonymized (no one is personally identified), categorized (determining the topic for a search query), and aggregated (grouped together). This allows us to display interest in a particular topic from around the globe or down to city-level geography.

Use the tool to see search interest in a topic or search term over time, where it’s most searched, or what else people search for in connection with it. It can be a unique way of helping you identify potential research topics or expand on your own search queries for resources. 

Google Trends is not a scientific poll and shouldn’t be confused with polling data. It merely reflects the search interest in particular topics. A spike in a particular topic does not reflect that a topic is somehow “popular” or “winning,” only that for some unspecified reason, there appear to be many users performing a search about a topic. Google Trends data should always be considered as one data point among others before drawing conclusions.

Google Trends main search page

Source: FAQ about Google Trends data; What is Google Trends data - and what does it mean?