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ARC Information

ARC serves as a hub for alumni, students, faculty, and staff pursuing scholarly publications, presentations, and research.

Participating in the Greater Scholarly Community

graduation mortarboard

As you grow as a scholar, consider establishing yourself with an official record of your efforts.

ORCID - Scholars should create an ORCID ID to link the records of their publications.

Publons is a well-established site that is integrated with many existing scholarly venues.

Researchgate is a social networking site where scholars can list their presentations, publications, and research efforts. It is helpful for meeting new scholars and finding timely scholarly works.

Alumni Access to the NU Library

Students who have graduated and would like access to NU resources should contact the Service Desk.

The Service Desk can be reached at or 1-888-628-1567.

Creating a Poster Presentation

Goal-setting, Scholarly Project Management, and Helpful Templates

ARC is here to help you successfully plan your scholarly project from the brainstorming phase through publication. Pursuing scholarly publications and presentations involves ongoing project management and clear goal-setting. Writing an effective proposal and scholarly work is also key. Templates for successful proposals, publications, and presentations will be provided here soon!

Grant Funding - Services and Support

NCU OPIE Service and Resources for Institutional Data