Center for Teaching and Learning (2022). Applied dissertation essentials. Resources for the three-chapter dissertation-in-practice, such as the ADE handbook, can be found here.
Center for Teaching and Learning (2022). Applied doctoral center: Professional presentation and defense. This page provides dissertation templates, the attendance verification form, and zoom resources.
Center for Teaching and Learning (2022). Applied doctoral center section 1. This page overviews section 1, including video, relevant resources, and the section 1 checklist.
Center for Teaching and Learning (2022). Applied doctoral center Section 2. This page overviews section 2, including video, relevant resources, and the section 2 checklist.
Center for Teaching and Learning (2022). Applied doctoral center Section 3. This page overviews section 3, including video, relevant resources, and the section 3 checklist.
Center for Teaching and Learning (2022).CTL Navigators. This page introduces you to the CTL’s Alumni Navigators: What they do, who they are, and what sessions they host.
Center for Teaching and Learning (2022). Dissertation center: Chapters. A page for each chapter provides an overview of the chapter, relevant resources and webinars, and the chapter checklist.
Center for Teaching and Learning (2022). Dissertation center: Dissertation defense. This page provides defense essentials, including instructions, templates, and the attendance verification form.
Center for Teaching and Learning (2022). Dissertation essentials. Essential resources for the five-chapter dissertation, such as the DSE handbook, can be found here.
Center for Teaching and Learning (2022). Learning resource topics. All of the learning resources in the CTL can be found here, organized by topics such as study skills, writing, and researching.
Academic Success Center (2022). Learn the ASC. This page shows all about the ASC, what coaching is and understanding coaching plans, how to register for and schedule coaching, types of coaching, group sessions, and proofreading.
Center for Teaching and Learning (2022). Success tips from your AFA. This resource provides more information about your Academic and Finance Advisor’s role and advisors' best tips and advice for success.
Center for Teaching and Learning (2022). Webinars. All of the learning resources in the CTL can be found here, organized by topics such as NCUOne, technology, and career.
Academic Success Center (2022). Why choose coaching. This page shows statistics on how the university’s academic coaching services have assisted students on their journey to academic success.
Babcock, A., Lehan, T., & Hussey, H. D. (2019). Mind the gaps: An online learning center’s needs assessment. The Learning Assistance Review, 24(1), 27-58. Research on student, faculty, and staff’s perceptions of the current and ideal state of the university’s online learning center.
Bezet, A., Duncan, T., & Litvin, K. (2018). Implementation and evaluation of online, synchronous research consultations for graduate students. Library Hi Tech News, 35(6), 4–8. Research on the university’s library research consultations for graduate students.
Lehan, T. J., & Babcock, A. (2020). Early intervention for struggling online graduate students: Processes and short-term outcomes. The Learning Assistance Review, 25(2), 111-132. Research on an early intervention using the university’s academic coaching services.
Lehan, T. J., Hussey, H. D., & Shriner, M. (2018). The influence of academic coaching on persistence in online graduate students. Mentoring & Tutoring: Partnership in Learning, 26(3), 289-304. Research on the influence of academic coaching on persistence in the university’s online graduate students.
Lehan, T., Shriner, B., & Shriner, M. (2020). It’s complicated: The relationship between participation in academic coaching and program completion in online graduate students. Online Learning, 24(3), 19-34. Research studying the relationship between students at the university using academic coaching and program completion.
Ziegler, A. (2021). Library Impact on Online-Only Graduate Student Success: A Roadmap. Journal of Library & Information Services in Distance Learning, 15(2), 157-168. Research studying library services' impact on the university’s graduate student success.