Required Resources / Curated OER
Crises in International Education, and Government Responses: A Comparative Analysis of Racial Discrimination and Violence Towards International Students
Ramia, G. (2021). Crises in international education, and government responses: a comparative analysis of racial discrimination and violence towards international students. Higher Education (00181560), 82(3), 599–613.
This article provides a comparative study of two countries, using a ‘most similar cases’ research design, to analyze host-nation government responses to crisis situations. The two countries are Australia and New Zealand. The crisis in each case relates to racial discrimination and violence against international students.
Reframing Campus Conflict: Student Conduct Practice Through The Lens of Inclusive Excellence
Giacomini, N. G., McNair, T. B., & Schrage, J. M. (2020). Reframing campus conflict: Student conduct practice through the lens of inclusive excellence. Stylus Publishing.
Required reading: Chapter 4, pp. 101-125. This ebook chapter examines the Spectrum model discussed in the current lesson to give voice to diverse and inclusive perspectives, identities, and practices through a spectrum of ADR options.
Optional Reading: Part Two features seven chapters each devoted to a specific conflict-resolution practice found on the Spectrum. These chapters may be useful as you design the best conflict-resolution options for your scenario in the lesson assignment.
Evaluation of the Effects of Conflict Resolution, Peace Education and Peer Mediation: A Meta-Analysis Study
Turk, F. (2018). Evaluation of the effects of conflict resolution, peace education and peer mediation: A meta-analysis study. International Education Studies, 11(1), 25–43.
This meta-analysis of 23 international studies examines how conflict resolution, peace education or peer mediation is effective in the constructive development of conflict resolution skills. The results of these studies may be useful in planning conflict-resolution strategies for your assignment in this lesson.
Optional Resources
20th Anniversary of the GEM Report
20th Anniversary of the GEM Report
This short video from UNESCO explains the annual Global Education Monitoring Report (GEMS), an independent report published annually by UNESCO to monitor the progress of nearly 160 countries toward the United Nation’s 2030 Sustainable Development Agenda. Use this video to help you understand the variety of UNESCO reports that are available for your use in completing many of the assignments in this course.
Evaluation of the Effects of Conflict Resolution, Peace Education and Peer Mediation: A Meta-Analysis Study
Turk, F. (2018). Evaluation of the effects of conflict resolution, peace education and peer mediation: A meta-analysis study. International Education Studies, 11(1), 25–43.
This meta-analysis of 23 international studies examines how conflict resolution, peace education or peer mediation is effective in the constructive development of conflict resolution skills. The results of these studies may be useful in planning conflict-resolution strategies for your assignment in this lesson. Part Two features seven chapters each devoted to a specific conflict-resolution practice found on the Spectrum. These chapters may be useful as you design the best conflict-resolution options for your scenario in the lesson assignment.
Handbook on Conflict Resolution Education for Young People
Arnoy, J., Bal, U., Bond Ples, G. M., Opiełka, P., Bianchini, M., Cook, A., ... & Sokolova, O. (2018). Handbook on conflict resolution education for young people.
This is a toolkit developed by an international team from Estonia, Italy, Norway, Poland, and the UK that is intended for use with young adults in understanding conflict resolution strategies. The authors examined the state of ADR in education in those countries and developed this set of tools, simulations, case studies, and role-plays for young adults to develop their skills in conflict resolution. You may find some of the specific strategies applicable to your identified conflict areas in the lesson assignment.
Higher Education's Current State of Alternative Dispute Resolution Services for Students
Katz, Neil & Kovack, Linda. (2016). Higher education's current state of alternative dispute resolution services for students. Journal of Conflict Management. volume 4. 5-37.
The authors of this study discuss their use of the 9-step Schrage Thompson Spectrum Model (2008) of conflict resolution in their study of higher education institutions that utilized alternative or appropriate dispute resolution programs (ADR). This model and the information found in this study will be helpful if your emphasis in IEG is higher education.
Global Education Monitoring Report 2020: Inclusion and education: All means all
UNESCO. 2020. Global education monitoring report 2020: Inclusion and education: All means all. Paris, UNESCO
Chapter 2, pp. 27-62, “Laws and Policies” looks at educational inclusion issues throughout the world.
World Inequality Database on Education (WIDE)
World inequality database on education (WIDE)
This UNESCO sponsored database allows you to explore 26 education indicators on education in over 170 different countries. You can use these interactive databases to support identified issues in social justice, diversity, equity, and inclusion.
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