Required Resources / Curated OER
Causes and Management of School Related Conflict
Isabu, M. O. (2017). Causes and management of school related conflict. African Educational Research Journal, 5(2), 148–151.
This paper discusses the causes of and management of various school-related conflicts that may arise.
The Sage Handbook of Conflict Communication: Integrating Theory, Research, and Practice
Oetzel, J. G., & Ting-Toomey, S. (Eds.). (2013). The sage handbook of conflict communication: Integrating theory, research, and practice. SAGE Publications, Incorporated.
Read Chapter 28, Building Cultures of Peace, on pp. 737 – 761. This chapter of the seminal guide to conflict provides an historical overview of the “culture of peace” from the earliest use of the term through current initiatives such as UNESCO’s Culture of Peace program. This chapter provides information on strategies such as intergroup dialogue in international conflict situations.
Mapping the Field of International Peace Education Programs and Exploring Their Networked Impact on Peacebuilding
Pugh, J. D., & Ross, K. (2019). Mapping the field of international peace education programs and exploring their networked impact on peacebuilding. Conflict Resolution Quarterly, 37(1), 49–66.
This study examined data from 178 PCIE (Programs for Conflict-oriented International education) programs as to how they can contribute to longer‐term conflcit prevention and peacebuilding activities.
Integrating Social Justice‐Based Conflict Resolution into Higher Education Settings: Faculty, Staff, and Student Professional Development Through Mediation Training
Watson, N. T., Rogers, K. S., Watson, K. L., & Liau, H. Y. C. (2019). Integrating social justice‐based conflict resolution into higher education settings: Faculty, staff, and student professional development through mediation training. Conflict Resolution Quarterly, 36(3), 251–262.
The authors share a practical model to integrate conflict management techniques that are based on social justice principles in higher education settings.
Oetzel, J. G., & Ting-Toomey, S. (Eds.). (2013). The sage handbook of conflict communication: Integrating theory, research, and practice. SAGE Publications, Incorporated.
Section 4, Chapters 24-31, of the SAGE Handbook on Conflict Communication focuses on intercultural/international conflict and conflict resolution strategies that may be useful in addressing your selected conflict.
This link will take you to the two Peacebuilding Toolkits developed by the United States Institute of Peace (USIP). They are available for Middle School and High School, though many of the lessons can be applied in other scenarios as well
Optional Resources
The Program on Negotiation at Harvard Law School (PON) is a multi-university research center based at Harvard Law School. They have several free guides available for download from their site. The following two guides may be of use for this lesson:
Harvard Law School (2022) Overcoming Cultural Barriers in Negotiation
The Program on Negotiation, Harvard Law School.
This guide, based on research theory, gives you insight into world cultures using three categories: dignity, face, and honor.
Harvard Law School (2022) The New Conflict Management: Effective Conflict Resolution Strategies to Avoid Litigation The Program on Negotiation, Harvard Law School.
This guide provides insights and strategies for resolving conflicts. Topics include:
Determine when to litigate, negotiate, or pursue both strategies simultaneously
Negotiating with difficult people
Creating value in the midst of disputes
The United States Institute of Peace (USIP) in a nonpartisan institution established by Congress to increase the capacity to manage international conflict without violence. The USIP has an on-ground presence throughout the world and is currently implementing over 300 initiatives in 87 countries. As you explore the USIP website, you will want to note specifically the following initiatives:
United States Institute of Peace (2022)
Initiatives in 30 different countries can be found here:
Two educator toolkits for teaching conflict management strategies can be found at:
The interactive lessons in the toolkits encourage students to understand conflict and use various strategies to solve problems.
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