Eliminate Racism (Grand Challenges for Social Work Initiative Working Paper No. 26). Cleveland, OH: American Academy of Social Work & Social WelfareTeasley, M., McCarter, S., Woo, B., Conner, L. R., Spencer, M. S., & Green, T. (2021). Eliminate Racism (Grand Challenges for Social Work Initiative Working Paper No. 26). Cleveland, OH: American Academy of Social Work & Social Welfare.
This working paper reflect on social works and social welfare policy racist history and then examine social work’s current positionality by reviewing the inclusion of race and racism. The paper also discuss efforts to eliminate racism and white supremacy with adopting evidence-based policy and practice-based research that cultivates innovation to improve the conditions of daily life for all impacted by racism and white supremacy and facilitates change at the individual, organizational, community, professional, and societal levels.