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MGT451 Production & Ops Management I V2

Module 3 Required Resources


Your course textbook can be accessed via the DART eBook link in the Getting Started module.

Your course requires a textbook that must be purchased from the NU Bookstore or any other resource of your choosing (for example, on Amazon). 

 Operations Management 3rd Ed.

Cachon, G. & Terwiesch, C. (2023) Operations Management (3rd ed.). McGraw Hill 

  • Chapter 10 – Introduction to Inventory Management 

    This chapter gives an introduction of what inventory management is and how to identify quantity, location, and a process. There are many challenges in managing inventory and ensuring the right products are in the right places at the right times, which are covered in the chapter. 

  • Chapter 12 – Inventory Management and Steady Demand 

    This chapter explains the strategies of optimal quantities to order and performance measures. Applying economies of scale and understanding the impact of product variety including costs to the organization are included. Quantity constraints and discounts are taken into consideration when determining inventory.  

  • Chapter 13 – Inventory Management with Perishable Demand 

    This chapter covers the importance of how much product to add to inventory when the product is perishable. Understanding how to use the newsvendor model to evaluate performance in profit and demand in included. Several strategies are covered for reducing costs and increasing profits.  

  • Chapter 14 – Inventory Management with Frequent Orders 

    This chapter includes important information about the order-up-to model and several performance measures to use with the model. Understanding the factors that help to determine inventory requirements and strategies to restructure a supply chain are important for a successful organization.    

