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MGT451 Production & Ops Management I V2

Module 4 Required Resources


Your course textbook can be accessed via the DART eBook link in the Getting Started module.

Your course requires a textbook that must be purchased from the NU Bookstore or any other resource of your choosing (for example, on Amazon). 

Operations Management 3rd Ed.

Cachon, G. & Terwiesch, C. (2023) Operations Management (3rd ed.). McGraw Hill 

  • Chapter 11 – Supply Chain Management 

    This chapter is important because it covers the roles and values of the supply chain. Additionally, the metrics to evaluate performance in the supply chain are discussed, and the strategies to improve performance and enhance competitiveness.  
  •   Chapter 15 – Forecasting 

This chapter is important because it covers the development of forecasting frameworks and evaluation of the quality of a forecast. Trends, time series, and panels discussions are also included. Finally, the different types of demand forecasts and forecasting methods are reviewed.  

  • Chapter 18 – Scheduling to Prioritize Demand 

This chapter covers how to understand and evaluate the shortest-processing time. The evaluation of the shortest-processing time and evaluation of the earliest-due-date scheduling rule. Also, the pros and cons of using an appointment system. 

  • Chapter 19 – Project Management 

This chapter is important because it goes into the next level of understanding activities in a project. Applying project management concepts and skills improves the effectiveness of operations. Various responsibilities are covered for organizing a successful project.   


