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Module 1 Required Resources


Wallace, P. (2021). Introduction to information systems: People, Technology and Processes (4th ed.). Pearson.

  • Read: Chapters 1-3

Your course textbook can be accessed via the DART eBook link in the Getting Started module.

Your course requires a textbook that must be purchased from the NU Bookstore or any other resource of your choosing (for example, on Amazon). 

Module 1 Optional Resources

How AI and Data Can Help Retail's Ongoing Pandemic Challenges

Davis, J. (2022, January 24). How AI and Data Can Help Retail's Ongoing Pandemic Challenges. InformationWeek.

  • Throughout the pandemic retailers faced one challenge after another, from supply shortages and inflation to employee/labor shortages. How can AI and data help?
World’s 22 Biggest Tech Companies of 2022.

Kurban, C. (2022, August 31). World’s 22 Biggest Tech Companies of 2022. Userguide.

  • Some of the world’s most popular companies are also on the cutting edge of technology. Their innovations help and transform businesses all over Include why the learner should review and a rationale.