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Module 2 Required Resources


Why Time to Value Matters in Supply Chain Transformation
Gains. (2022). Why Time to Value Matters in Supply Chain Transformation - Supply Chain 24/7. Retrieved February 16, 2023, from

  • This article examines why time to value matters in supply chain management and supply chain transformation.

16 Proven Methods To Reduce Lead Time In Your Supply Chain
16 Proven Methods To Reduce Lead Time In Your Supply Chain. (2022). Cogsy. Retrieved February 16, 2023, from

  • This is an important article on 16 proven methods to reduce lead time in a supply chain.

Order Fulfillment as a Competitive Advantage
Meller, R. (2015). Order Fulfillment as a Competitive Advantage - Supply Chain 24/7.

  • An important and insightful article on how companies can leverage order fulfillment as a competitive advantage.

How to Reduce Lead Time in Supply Chain Management
Thompson, E. (2020). How to Reduce Lead Time in Supply Chain Management | DXP. DXP Enterprises.

  • The article by Thompson uncovers methods to reduce lead time in a company’s supply chain.