Textbook: International MarketingISBN: 9781506389219
Publication Date: 2018-12-08
Note: Your course textbook can be accessed via the DART eBook link in the Getting Started module.
Baack, D., Czarnecka, B., Baack, D. E. (2019). International marketing (2nd ed.). SAGE Publications Ltd.
Read the following chapters:
Chapter 9 International Product and Brand Marketing
Chapter 10 International Product Standardization and Adaptation
Chapter 11 International Pricing
Chapter 12 International Finance and Pricing Implication
In summary, the textbook by Baack et al. (2019) on International Marketing offers students a well-rounded, authoritative, and practical resource that equips them with the knowledge, skills, and insights necessary to excel in the global marketing landscape. Its blend of up-to-date content, cultural sensitivity, and practical application makes it an asset for educators and students alike.