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Module 3 Required Resources


A. R. Shoho & B. G. Barnett, Eds. (2014). Using data in schools to inform leadership and decision making. Information Age Publishing. 

The course textbook can be accessed via the NU Library at no additional cost. To find the text, go to the library ( and search for the textbook by its title. You may access it online via Ebook Central or download a copy to your device using Adobe Digital Editions reader.

For Module 3, you will read:

  • Chapter 5: Longitudinal data use: Ideas for district, building and classroom leaders 
    This chapter analyzes how different stakeholders vary in how they work with data. This discussion is framed around the experiences of a group of districts in the southern United States. As you read, compare their experiences with yours. In your experience, what do teachers, principals, and superintendents need to know from the data? Where do their aims overlap, and where do they fail to understand each other? As a principal reporting to a superintendent and collaborating with teachers every day, how can you leverage your knowledge of these differences to bridge gaps?

  • Chapter 10: Depth of use: How district decision-makers did and did not engage with evidence
    This chapter takes us to another district, this time located in the northeastern United States. The researchers analyze three initiatives within a school district and asks why leaders sometimes ignores data. Do you see any of these explanations taking place in your district or others? While the chapter focuses on district-level leadership, it engages with a variety of educational stakeholders and may help you consider factors that are most salient for district-level collaborators.


Module 3 Optional Resources