Feifer, S. G. (2021). The neuropsychology of reading disorders: A compendium of research-based intervention. School Neuropsych Press, LLC.
Read the following chapters in the Mather and Wendling text:
Chapter 12: Dyslexia in the Schools
Dyslexia in the School Systems (5:21)
TEDx Talks. (2019, July 29). Dyslexia in the school systems/Elly Marie Rea/TEDxCarnageMagnetMS [Video]. YouTube. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nK6OBzaupxs
Understanding how dyslexia impacts students is important. It goes beyond struggling to read and can impact a student’s self-esteem. This video highlights one-eighth grader’s journey with dyslexia and how she experiences school with dyslexia.
Inside a Dyslexia Evaluation (20:43)
Understood. (2017, November 17). Inside a dyslexia evaluation [Video]. YouTube. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DNu4WiQaVTI
The assessment process for dyslexia differs in some ways based on the different tests administered. This video provides an overview of how the assessments are conducted and how the subtests administered relate to the skills needed for reading.
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