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Week 3 Required Resources


Social Psychology in Sport
Davis, L., Keegan, R., & Jowett, S. (2025). Social psychology in sport (2nd ed.). Human Kinetics, Inc.

  • Read Chapters 15-19
    • Chapter 15 focuses on coaching effectiveness in youth sport within relational and group contexts. It explores various efficacy types including self-efficacy, role efficacy, collective efficacy, and coaching efficacy. These are examined within close relations (i.e., coach-athlete, athlete-athlete) and in group settings in sport. 
    • In Chapter 16, we open topics related to stress, coping, emotion, and emotion regulation in sport, examining their dynamics within group settings. Topics include stressor appraisal, emotions as social phenomena, coping as a social process, and emotion regulation. We'll synthesize current literature, exploring outcomes such as sport performance, social commitment, identity, and relationship satisfaction. 
    • Chapter 17 explores psychosocial aspects of mental health in sport, covering prevalence rates of symptoms and disorders, socioecological perspectives, and mental health literacy. This chapter confronts the complexities of mental well-being, shedding light on how the sporting environment influences mental health awareness and support. 
    • Chapter 18 is the focal point of this section, discussing team cohesion's theoretical framework, assessment, and practical applications in sports. It examines factors influencing cohesion, such as leadership and situational dynamics, alongside its effects on performance and potential drawbacks. Practical insights on team building and identity leadership are also included. 
    • Lastly, Chapter 19 of the syllabus addresses coaching effectiveness in youth sports, emphasizing diverse coaching styles like outcome-centered, athlete-centered, and person-centered approaches. It explores the impact of interpersonal coaching behaviors and leadership models on athlete development, highlighting person-centered coaching's practical implications for engagement and social dynamics in appropriate settings. 

Your course textbook can be accessed via the DART eBook link in the Getting Started module.


Week 3 Optional Resources