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Monday through Thursday
8:00 AM - 9:00 PM
8:00 AM - 5:00 PM
9:00 AM - 5:00 PM
10:00 AM - 7:00 PM
Please refer the full library calendar to see holiday closings/adjusted hours.
Welcome to the library research guide for Learning Analytics in Higher Education.
Here, you'll find the best resources (articles, books, and more) to help you succeed in your program.
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Search for articles, books, dissertations, and more
Content: Includes full-text scholarly journals and dissertations supporting research on the theory and practice of education. It also covers literature and research on special education, home schooling, adult education, and hundreds of related topics.
Purpose: Provides access to a large range of full-text journals and dissertations supporting research on the theory and practice of education..
Special Features: Includes a read-aloud feature.
Content: Journals, books and magazines covering preschool to college levels and bilingual education studies, health, technology and testing.
Purpose: A great resource for any educator—from the school teacher and administrator to those studying in the field at the collegiate and graduate level.
Special Features: Includes a visualization tool and browse by topic feature that aids in brainstorming topics, a Lexile feature that filters texts by difficulty, the ability to highlight and add notes to text, and a read-aloud feature.
Content: Ebooks, journals, and conference proceedings related to education and instruction.
Purpose: Informs users of trends and theories regarding education and instruction.
Special Features: Users may explore topics or search for particular formats.
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