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Faculty-Student Interaction Playbook

Created by faculty for faculty!

Academic Success Center Faculty Resources

Welcome to the Academic Success Center's (ASC) Faculty Resource guide. Faculty Word CloudThis guide has graphics depicting the different ASC resources in "Learn the ASC." "For Students" has suggested language to use when giving feedback to students, encouraging them to attend an ASC Orientation, or to use our writing and statistics resources and services. This tab also has suggested resources and tips to assist English Language Learners (ELL). The "Collaborate" tab has the ASC Collaboration Forms, along with an overview of where to send the form and the next steps the ASC staff will take to reach out to students.  The "Presentations" tab has presentations given at symposiums and various faculty meetings focusing on clarifying ASC services and faculty member-ASC staff collaboration. Finally, the "Sample Coaching Plans" tab provides faculty members with a sample coaching plan for both writing and statistics. Remember that students can self-select to send faculty members their coaching plans, so encourage your students to share them with you!

This page is meant to provide faculty members with resources to assist them in understanding the ASC's resources and services as well as providing them with some common language and resources to provide students to encourage them to visit the ASC. If there is an additional resource that you would like, email and let us know.

We are here to help and to partner with you in helping students achieve academic success!

The ASC Team

Faculty Workshops

Promoting NU Faculty Scholarship in Quantitative Methods

Thursdays 7:00-9:00 am PT

Are you working on publishing a quantitative research paper or submitting a paper for presentation to a professional conference? This weekly workshop is designed to provide faculty with a designated time for working on projects that support faculty development and scholarship. Would you like to talk with a colleague who is experienced in publishing and presenting quantitative research? Is your student using a quantitative design or analyses that you are not familiar with? Whether you want to sharpen your quantitative reasoning skills or brainstorm ideas about possible designs, measurements, or data analyses, this session is for you.
Join our live faculty statistics and quantitative research methods weekly workshop for consultation, guidance, and support. This is an open 2-hour Zoom session where you can drop in and stay for as long as you like. Even if you do not have any questions, you are welcome to attend and use this as accountability time for completing your projects.

Join Statistics & Quantitative Methods Coach Dr. Jeffry White anytime within the 2-hour block!

ASC Cheat Sheet and Quick Tips

The Academic Success Center’s resources are aligned to meet the skill and competency needs identified by faculty as crucial to successfully completing a course of study. To assist you with getting students to resources and services as efficiently as possible, here are some quick tips and suggested links/resources:

  • The gaining of knowledge is continuous and should be scaffolded to optimize learning. Therefore, the ASC utilizes a multi-modal, tiers of service approach to support each student’s learning needs and goals.
  • Send students to the ASC website to peruse resources and learn more about our services.
  • Academic coaching supports undergraduate and graduate level students in developing the skills needed to excel in their course of study. Students can register for coaching using the Coaching Scheduler, and here is a page to assist them.
  • Personalized academic coaching provides students with support that aligns with their specific needs and learning goals.
  • Academic coaches strive to empower students to become active participants in their learning journey.
  • Writing coaching is scaffolded to provide opportunities for developing lower-order skills such as APA formatting, sentence structure, and word choice as well as the higher-order skills of paraphrasing, idea alignment, and synthesis/analysis.  
  • Quantitative reasoning (math and statistics) support is also scaffolded and includes the use of Excel and SPSS to conduct calculations, instruction on creating charts and graphs, as well as quantitative methods and design coaching.  
  • Students can self-schedule recorded and group sessions. Individual Sessions need to be scheduled via ASC Chat. See our Scheduled Academic Coaching page and recommend it to students for more information.
  • Students can use the ASC Chat and the Ask a Coach service to ask questions, find resources, or request an individual appointment with an academic coach.
  • The Academic Success Center offers a Proofreading Service that students can elect to use at any time during their program. Proofreaders provide students with assistance related to APA formatting, sentence structure, grammar, and other areas of scholarly writing. Proofreaders do not provide feedback related to the content of the document.
  • Collaboration between students, faculty, and coaches is encouraged! One way to begin that collaboration is to encourage students to self-select to send you their coaching plan. You can also ask students if you can view their session recordings.
  • Faculty members are welcome to use our Ask a Coach page by searching our FAQs, submitting a question, or chatting live with an academic coach via ASC Chat.
  • Faculty members are welcome to attend group or individual sessions with a student. Have the student schedule the session and forward you the Zoom meeting link.

The shared goal is to get students the assistance they need to be successful. If you have a student who would benefit from our assistance, direct them to the ASC or fill out a collaboration form (available on the ASC homepage) so we can reach out.

Dark blue key with two gears below

Helpful Resources for Faculty Members

ASC Resources and Services

This informative graphic provides a visual image of which tier to send students to depending on their needs and questions.

ASC Resources and Services

Dark blue key with two gears belowASC Collaboration Forms

Faculty members, please use the collaboration form to recommend a student who would benefit from academic coaching. Please provide as much information as possible to assist ASC staff in developing a personalized collaboration letter. Students will receive an invitation to collaborate and the faculty member will be CC'd on the communication. Complete this form and email it to
