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Welcome to the library research guide for Sport Psychology
Here, you'll find the best resources (articles, books, and more) to help you succeed in your program.
Use the menu to get started!
Search for articles, books, dissertations, and more
Content: Scholarly journals, academic content, periodicals and videos covering a broad range of academic disciplines.
Purpose: A good starting point for research with coverage across many disciplines and fields.
Special Features: Text-to-speech listening feature. Tool to help discover citing articles.
Content: The most comprehensive video database covering more than 67,000 titles on anthropology, business, counseling, film health, history, music, and more.
Purpose: Curated for the educational experience of all types of library patrons.
Content: Collection of more than 30 Proquest subject-specific databases covering Business, Health and Medical, Social Sciences, Education, Science and Technology, and Humanities.
Purpose: Students can view a massive amount of peer-reviewed research across multiple disciplines.
Special Features: Includes a Thesaurus feature that assists in using the database’s controlled vocabulary, as well as read-aloud feature. AI research assistant on the full text page with key takeaways.
Content: Scholarly, peer-reviewed journal articles only, in health science, biomedical science, engineering, social science, and the humanities.
Purpose: Use for scholarly research in most fields.
Special Features: Includes discipline hubs for browsing and citation search.
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