Electronically request and receive articles, book chapters, or other resources when unavailable in full-text from the NU Library.
Content: Scholarly journals, magazines, and books focusing on health. Specific subject areas include physical fitness, exercise, coaching, athletic administration, college and university sports, facility design and management, allied health, occupational health and therapy, public health, and much more.
Purpose: Use to research health in relation to education, psychology, or other disciplines.
Special Features: Includes Open Access (OA) journals as well as traditionally published journals.
Content: APA database that offers full-text for journals published by APA, the Canadian Psychological Association, Hogrefe Publishing Group and APA's Educational Publishing Foundation. View the APA PsycArticles Journal History for a complete coverage list.
Purpose: Important database for psychology, counseling, and education students.
Special Features: The database is updated bi-weekly all content is available in PDF and HTML formats.
Content: Comprehensive consumer health resource providing authoritative information on the full range of health-related issues, from current disease and disorder information to in-depth coverage of alternative medical practices.
Purpose: Provides background reading on health issues. Check the "Refereed publications" box to find peer-reviewed, scholarly articles.
Special Features: A broad collection of premier full-text reference works, Spanish editions of notable content and a Spanish-language search filter, streaming video, audio, and images
Health and Wellness Resource Center (GALE) provides access to articles, medical encyclopedias, pamphlets, and videos on health, fitness, and nutrition.
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