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Westlaw Campus Research

Using KeyCite

KeyCite is Westlaw's citation research service that determines whether a case is good law. It provides a report on the case that includes all citing documents (cases, administrative decisions, secondary sources, etc.). KeyCite reviews every case in West's National Reporter System and more than 1 million unpublished (unreported) cases. 

To view the KeyCite information for a case: 

  • Click on the KeyCite flag while viewing a case; 
  • Click on one of the tabs: Negative Treatment, History, or Citing References; or




  • Type kc: or keycite: followed by a citation in the top search box and click the Search button.
    • kc: 93 sct 1817; keycite: 93 sct 1817


Viewing Negative Treatment

To view the Negative Treatment of a case, click on the Negative Treatment tab. This will provide a table listing all negative direct history and negative citing references. The Depth column indicates the extent of the discussion within the citing cases. The Headnote(s) column indicates which Headnotes contain the discussed points of law within the citing cases. 


Viewing Direct History

Click on the History tab to view the direct history and related references of a case. The Direct History is displayed in a graphical view in the right center panel while the list of linked documents appears within the left panel. 


Viewing Citing References

To view the list of citing references for a case, click on the Citing References tab. This list includes cases, administrative materials, secondary sources, briefs, and other court documents. This list is searchable and can be narrowed down by using the filters located in the left panel. 
