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SOC-2010 v1

Week 7 Resources

TEDx Talks. (2019, December May 3). How we can turn the tide on climate: Chris Anderson and Christine Figueres at TED Conference [Video file]. Retrieved from

In this TED Talk, you will listen to Chris Anderson, the curator of TED conferences, and Christine Figueres, a renowned climate activist share thought with a variety of thought leaders including UN Secretary-General Antonio Guterres, Al Gore, Katharine Hayhoe, Jimmy Kimmel and Yuval Noah Harari about climate change and how we can begin to impact on the problem and create change. As you watch and listen, consider how climate change affects individuals at a multitude of levels. Note, this video is 60-mins long. You do not need to watch the entire video. Take note of key issues being discussed to support your assignment this week.

CrashCourse. (2012, Nov 19). Human population growth – crash course ecology #3 [Video file]. Retrieved from

If being alive on Earth were a contest, humans would win it hands down. We're like the Michael Phelps of being alive, but with 250,000 times more gold medals. Today Hank is here to tell us the specifics of why and how human population growth has happened over the past hundred and fifty years or so, and how those specifics relate to ecology.  In this episode from Crash Course, you will take a closer look at the "why" and "how" of population growth. As you watch, consider how humans have figured out to raise their carrying capacity. What obstacles or limiting factors have we overcome?

Hansen, J. (2012, Feb). Why I must speak out about climate change [Video file]. Retrieved from  

Climate change is a hot topic in media and politics. In this TED Talk, you will listen to top climate scientist, James Hansen, as he discusses his experience studying climate change. As you watch, consider what science has to say about greenhouse gases, rising temperatures, and global warming.