Introduction to sociology (2nd ed.). (2015). Houston, TX: Open Stax.
Retrieved from
Various cultures view health in different ways. This chapter looks at how illness is defined in society and the cultural meaning behind illness. It also provides insight into global health issues; health disparities based on gender, race, socioeconomic status and ethnicity; and how various cultures deliver health care.
Charles, Dan. (2020, March 18). COVID-19 Threatens food supply chain as farms worry about workers falling ill. Retrieved from
This brief article points out how the COVID-19 virus has impacted various aspects of the food supply chain.
How culture influences health. (2020). Retrieved from
The importance of understanding how culture impacts health and health care is highlighted in this article. It provides some interesting examples of how culture influences the healthcare that is available and some pointers that health care workers should keep in mind when working with individuals of varying cultures.
TEDx Talks. (2019, December May 3). How we can turn the tide on climate:Chris Anderson and Christine Figueres at TED Conference [Video file]. Retrieved from
In this TED Talk, you will listen to Chris Anderson, the curator of TED conferences, and Christine Figueres, a renowned climate activist share thought with a variety of thought leaders including UN Secretary-General Antonio Guterres, Al Gore, Katharine Hayhoe, Jimmy Kimmel and Yuval Noah Harari about climate change and how we can begin to impact on the problem and create change. As you watch and listen, consider how climate change affects individuals at a multitude of levels. Note, this video is 60-mins long. You do not need to watch the entire video. Take note of key issues being discussed to support your assignment this week.
Cumming, V. (2016, Mar 14). How many people can our planet really support? Retrieved from
In 1804, the human population on earth reached one billion. It took just twelve years to go from six to seven billion. These days, there might be reason for alarm: water supplies are finite, soil is eroding, glaciers are melting, and fish are dying. So, can the planet sustain human population growth? In this article from the BBC, you will examine these very questions. As you read, consider why population growth interests' sociologists.
Bice, D. & Bralower, T. (n.d.). Future population increase and its impact on food supply. Retrieved from
The authors of this article present an overview of population growth; the history of food famines and how this affects the world food supply.
If being alive on Earth were a contest, humans would win it hands down. We're like the Michael Phelps of being alive, but with 250,000 times more gold medals. Today Hank is here to tell us the specifics of why and how human population growth has happened over the past hundred and fifty years or so, and how those specifics relate to ecology. In this episode from Crash Course, you will take a closer look at the "why" and "how" of population growth. As you watch, consider how humans have figured out to raise their carrying capacity. What obstacles or limiting factors have we overcome?
10 ways technology is changing healthcare. (2020, March 3). Retrieved from
This fascinating article speaks to how technology is and will be transforming our health care. As you read see how many of these ideas you feel have already have been implemented or will be implemented soon.
Emmott, S. (2013, Jan 29). Humans: the real threat to life on earth. Retrieved from
Humans are at the top of the food chain on this planet. And with that power comes great responsibility. Unfortunately, we often forget to consider the impact of our individual and collective actions on the planet. In this article from The Guardian, you will read one person's perspective on how humans threaten life as we know it. As you read, consider the strengths and weaknesses of this argument. According to the author, why might humans need to radically change their behavior?
Zero hunger. (n.d.). Retrieved from
Read Zero Hunger from the World Food Programme. This website provides you with information on malnutrition. As you read, consider the importance of the "window of opportunity" in treating and preventing malnutrition. Note: If you have time, click on "How WFP" fights malnutrition" and "Hunger Glossary."
Climate change is a hot topic in media and politics. In this TED Talk, you will listen to top climate scientist, James Hansen, as he discusses his experience studying climate change. As you watch, consider what science has to say about greenhouse gases, rising temperatures, and global warming.