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SOC-3010 Global Civics

Week 2 Resources

Review the resources listed below to prepare for this week’s assignments. The resources may include textbook reading assignments, journal articles, websites, links to tools or software, videos, handouts, rubrics, etc.

Climate Change

To start this week’s study of the environment as it related to Global Civic, watch the below video to gain a better understanding of how global change can affect communities around the world. In the following resources, you will learn about the impact of climate change, and then you will have a chance to explore Global Civic efforts to address climate change.

A New Climate for Climate

Is our climate really changing? In this article, you will learn about the factors regarding climate change in light of the introduction of the Green New Deal. From reading this article, you will gain a better understanding of environmentalism in the United States.

Worland, J., & Alter, C. (2019). A new climate for climate. TIME Magazine, 193(12), 30-34.

Resilient Cultural Heritage for a Future of Climate Change

In your last reading, you learned about environmentalism; now you will have a chance to explore the impact of climate change on cultural heritage. This will help you to understand better the direct impact of major environmental concerns on an important global civics topic.

Minguez, G. (2020). Resilient cultural heritage for a future of climate change. Journal of International Affairs, 73(1), 101-120.

How Climate Change Could Spark the Next Financial Crisis

We often regard climate change with environmental impact. However, there are many other factors to be considered. This article describes the potential impact of climate change on global financial markets.

Saha, A., & Viney, B. (2020). How climate change could spark the next financial crisis. Journal of International Affairs, 73(1), 205-2016. &db=bth&AN=141655744&site=eds-live

Integrating Public Health into Climate Change Policy and Planning: State of Practice Update

Climate change will have a direct impact on public health through such avenues as extreme weather and the advancement of the disease. This article reviews the literature to provide a picture of the current thinking on how public health should be a part of policies regarding climate change.

Fox, M., Zuidema, C., Bauman, B., Burke, T., & Sheehan, M. (2019). Integrating public health into climate change policy and planning: State of practice update. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 16(18).

Five Environmental Campaigns for the 50th Earth Day

Now that you have learned the impact of climate change around the world explore the following website to see what efforts are being made around the world to address climate change. There are three more linked articles at the bottom of the page; make sure to read those articles, as well as the series of articles, provides you with a very in-depth perspective.

Alexander, G. (2020). Five Environmental campaigns for the 50th earth day |


Environmental innovations and opportunities / video clips

The green encyclopedia, part 1: Environmental innovations and opportunities video clips [Video]. (2008).