Sidik, B., Puzis, R., Zilberman, P., Elovici., Y. (Feb. 2020). PALE: Time bounded practical Agile Leader election. IEEE transactions on Parallel and Distributed Systems 31(2), 470-485.
The researchers in this study involved the use of an algorithm to effect leader selection, proving the correctness of the algorithm in electing an effective agile leader in an organization.
Edmondson, M. (2021). Agile Leadership in a volatile world: It calls for self-awareness, thinking differently, and creating organizational change. Planning for Higher Education 49(3), 1-8.
This study involves seeking agile leadership in turbulent times due to COVID-19, and the importance of self-awareness, thinking differently and creating organizational change.
Hasan, A. R., Ardian, A., & Ika, R. F. (2021). Strengthening digital ecosystem for SMEs through readiness to change and agile leadership. Journal of Strategy and Business 25(2), 155-165.
This study attempted to describe and analyze the relationship between readiness to make changes and agile leadership within the dynamic capabilities of SMEs.
Rigby, D., Elk, S., & Berez, S. (May-June 2020). The agile C-Suite: A new approach to leadership for the team at the top. Harvard Business Review 98(3), 64-74.
In this study authors presented research on leadership for agile and effective business operations, balancing standardizing operations and dealing with possible risky innovations, viewing various corporate officers and their roles.
Ford, R. C., Loughry, M. L., & Ford, L. R. (Summer 2020). Leading a pivot: How Agile leaders redirect team efforts to overcome barriers in strategy execution. SAM Advanced Management Journal, 85(3), 37-47.
This article involves how agile leaders overcome barriers through redirected team efforts.
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