Radonic, M. (2018). Beyond budgeting: Gaining competitive advantage through strategic changes in budgeting processes. Megatrend Revija, 15(2), 141–158.
In this article, Beyond Budgeting modifies business processes and the need for radical changes through implementing the Beyond Budgeting principles.
Schoemaker, P. J. H., & Day, G. (2021). Preparing organizations for greater turbulence. California Management Review, 63(4), 66–88.
Vigilant organizations excel at seeming significant threats and opportunities sooner than their rivals, which enables them to act faster when required. This article describes four drives that distinguish the vigilant from the vulnerable organizations.
Lewnes, A. (2021). Commentary: The future of marketing is agile. Journal of Marketing, 85(1), 64–67.
Agility has become a key marketing principle, and as economic conditions change and people work remotely, marketers need to step up.
Liu, Y., Wang, S., & Yao, X. (2019). Individual goal orientations, team empowerment, and employee creative performance: A case of cross‐level interactions. Journal of Creative Behavior, 53(4), 443–456.
This study developed and utilized a cross-level model to investigate the interactive effects of team empowerment and individual goal orientations on individual creative performance as viewed through the mediating mechanism of an individual's creative self-efficacy.
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