Examining the Relationship between Labor Law Compliance and Employee Perceptions, Attitudes and BehaviorsRed, C. L., & Teng-Calleja, M. (2021). Examining the Relationship between Labor Law Compliance and Employee Perceptions, Attitudes and Behaviors. Employee Responsibilities and Rights Journal, 33(4), 337–357. Permalink: https://search.ebscohost.com/login.aspx?direct=true&AuthType=sso&db=edssjs&AN=edssjs.B3F17D72&site=eds-live&scope=site&custid=natuniv
This article explores the relationship between legal compliance, organizational justice, and organizational outcomes such as organizational citizenship behavior, commitment, and turnover intention. The study's findings suggest that legal compliance significantly predicts organizational justice, mediating the relationship between legal compliance and organizational outcomes. Understanding this relationship can help organizations shape employee attitudes and behaviors, leading to increased commitment and decreased turnover.