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The Helping Process

Week 1 Required Resources


Your course textbook, Direct Social Work Practice, can be accessed via the Getting Started module in your course.

Hepworth, D.H., Vang, P.D., Blakey, J.M., Schwalbe, C., Evans, C. B. R., Rooney, R., Evans, C.B.R., Dewberry Rooney, G, & Strom K. (2023).  Direct social work practice: Theory and skills.  (11th ed.).  Cengage Learning, Inc.   

  • Chapters 1 & 2 

  • This is the textbook we will use throughout the course.  This text provides us with an overview of the generalist intervention model (GIM) and highlights the skills necessary to effectively work with our clients. These first two chapters introduce us to the values of the social work.  Chapter two discusses common theoretical perspectives used to guide our practice.  



Scheyett, A.  (2015). Social workers are superheroes.  TEDxColumbiaSC.  

  • This video will provide you with an introduction to social work and the challenges social workers face on a daily basis.  While difficult work, you will see the value of the profession for others.