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The Helping Process

Week 3 Required Resources


Your course textbook, Direct Social Work Practice, can be accessed via the Getting Started module in your course.

Hepworth, D.H., Vang, P.D., Blakey, J.M., Schwalbe, C., Evans, C. B. R., Rooney, R., Evans, C.B.R., Dewberry Rooney, G, & Strom K. (2023).  Direct social work practice: Theory and skills.  (11th ed.).  Cengage Learning, Inc.   

  • Chapters 5, 6, and 7 

  • In these chapters, you will learn about the engagement phase of the GIM.   An important component of rapport building is effective communication skills.  You will read about specific skills and their application to different practice situations.  


Kelly, A.  (2021).  Introduction and limits to confidentiality.  

  • This video is part of a series from the University of British Columbia (UBC), demonstrating communication skills and specific aspects of engaging with clients.  This video discusses introductions and discussing confidentiality with your clients.  

Kelly, A.  (2021).  Empathic responses and the use of silence.

  • In the second video from UBC, the use of silence and empathetic responses is modeled.