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The Helping Process

Week 5 Required Resources


Your course textbook, Direct Social Work Practice, can be accessed via the Getting Started module in your course.

Hepworth, D.H., Vang, P.D., Blakey, J.M., Schwalbe, C., Evans, C. B. R., Rooney, R., Evans, C.B.R., Dewberry Rooney, G., & Strom K. (2023).  Direct social work practice: Theory and skills.  (11thth ed.).  Cengage Learning, Inc.   

  • Chapter 12 

  • This chapter covers the process of planning as a step of the GIM and contracting with your client.  Formulating goals is an important process for both the social worker and the client, the process is explored in detail in this chapter.  


Grande, T.  (2015).  Treatment planning in counseling - Setting a goal and corresponding objectives [Video]. 

  • This video is a practical role play demonstrating a counselor and client developing SMART goals and objectives.  The context demonstrated in this video is related to academics, although it shows you how to collaborate with your clients to create goals that are appropriate for them.  

McCaffey, M.  (2022).  How to write a SMART goal (for mental health) [Video]. 

  • In this video, therapist Melissa McCaffey discusses not only how to create SMART goals, but why SMART goals are necessary for insurance and other purposes.