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Module 2 Required Resources


Your course textbook can be accessed via the DART eBook link in the Getting Started module. It may also be purchased from the NU Bookstore or any other resource of your choosing (for example, on Amazon). 

  • Chapter 4: Business Model Innovation – A Fundamentally New Source of Innovation
    • This chapter discusses Business Model innovation
  • Chapter 6: How to Design a New Business Model – A Dynamic Design Method
    • Provides a dynamic design model to develop business model
  • Chapter 7: How to Design a New Business Model – Methods Championed by Startup Entrepreneurs
    • Shares additional design models to develop business model.


  • This article discusses both preserving existing business models and the inclusion of emerging business models.
  • This article discusses the how the digitization of business models affects B2B firms
  • This article discusses how some organizations transformed their business models during COVID-19

Module 2 Optional Resources

  • Discusses several digitized business models
  • Discusses the future of business models with a focus on digitized business models.