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Week 2 Required Resources

Schriver, J. M. (2020). Human behavior and the social environment: Shifting paradigms in essential knowledge for social work practice (7th ed.).  Allyn & Bacon.  READ:  pp. 311-320

  • Read Chapter 9, Enduring Theories, Perspectives, and Practice Models Influencing Social Work Practice with Groups. This chapter covers how to apply an understanding of group dynamics to human development and behavior.

Your course textbook can be accessed in the Getting Started module of your course.

  • The authors of this journal article evaluated whether a synchronous online group intervention, using the Association for Social Work Boards. Group Review Practice Test© items, increased students' LMSW licensure test-taking confidence and decreased their test anxiety.  
  • This podcast episode illustrates real-life group work practice.
  • This video features a discussion of social justice considerations for group work practice. 
  • This author offers a historical model outlining group formation. 
  • Trauma-informed social work can be integrated into all sorts of existing models of evidence-based services across populations and agency settings, can strengthen therapeutic alliance, and facilitates posttraumatic growth.
  • This video features an episode from the TV series that illustrates group dynamics.
  • This is the website for an international organization for social work practice with groups; includes formal standards for practice with groups.