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Week 4 Required Resources

Schriver, J. M. (2020). Human behavior and the social environment: Shifting paradigms in essential knowledge for social work practice (7th ed.).  Allyn & Bacon.  Read pp. 362-381

  • Read Chapter 11: Enduring and Emerging Theories, Perspectives, and Practice Models Influencing Social Work Practice with Communities. This chapter covers how to apply an understanding of community dynamics to human development and behavior.

Your course textbook can be accessed in the Getting Started module of your course.

  • This article examines the benefits and ethical considerations for social work practice with technology. 
  • This article focuses on the development of community practice in social work over time, identifies enduring themes in the trends and issues faced by this method, and discuss what directions it may take in the future.
  • This article reports on a collaborative critical autoethnographic study that two White settler social workers conducted about their engagement with Inuit youth in Nunavut.