Credo Reference
There are no restrictions to selecting and copying/pasting text from Credo Reference. For instructions see the guide "How to copy text and images from a web page."
First click the Print/Export button in the upper right and select Download PDF for Printing. You can then open the downloaded PDF document and print it using the Adobe Reader toolbar.
Note that as these are reference titles, printing is generally limited to one entry. For example, you can print the entry for "Literacy" from Gender and Education: An Encyclopedia but you cannot print out the entire encyclopedia. As with other ebooks, printing and copying is governed by copyright and is generally limited to 60 pages per reading session.
Ebook Central
Copy the whole page by selecting the copy icon in the navigation toolbar. To copy text within a page, select your text and use the copy icon in the pop-up menu. See icon labeled #6 in below screenshot.
Create a PDF of a page, or a range of pages that can be printed or saved, and which includes a citation of the book. See icon labeled #7 in below screenshot.
Note that there are defined copy and print allowances for Ebook Central books, based on a percentage of the number of pages in the book. The typical print allowance for most titles is 40% of the book. When printing a chapter or range of pages, Ebook Central deducts from this allowance. The “Details” left panel shows the full range of copy and print limits for a book:
A few publishers have set more restrictive limits for copy and print; they include:
There are no restrictions to selecting and copying/pasting text from the EBSCOhost databases. For instructions see the guide "How to copy text and images from a web page."
To print an item in PDF Full Text format, you must use the Adobe Reader Print option. First open up the PDF Full Text for your EBSCOhost e-book. Next, click the Printer icon in the upper right of the Adobe Reader toolbar, as shown below. This will open up the printer dialog box on your computer so you can print the book chapter.
Note: Selecting the Printer icon in the white EBSCOhost toolbar (far right) will print only the article citation and/or abstract, not the full-text document.
IGI Global
There are no restrictions to selecting and copying/pasting text from IGI Global. For instructions see the guide "How to copy text and images from a web page."
To print an item in PDF Full Text format, you must use the Adobe Reader Print option. First select the PDF chapter for your IGI Global e-book. Next, click the Printer icon in the upper right of the Adobe Reader toolbar, as shown below. This will open up the printer dialog box on your computer so you can print the book chapter.
Note: If you select the HTML version of the e-book chapter, you will need to print using your internet browser's tools. This is not the recommended method. For instructions on how to print in your browser, see the guide How to print a web page.
There are no restrictions to selecting and copying/pasting text from PsychiatryOnline. For instructions see the guide "How to copy text and images from a web page."
Subscription titles are not available for download as PDF documents though PsychiatryOnline. Therefore, in order to print the text, you'll need to use your browser's printing tool option. For instructions on how to print in your browser, see the guide How to print a web page.
There are no restrictions to selecting and copying/pasting text from SAGE Knowledge, SAGE Navigator and SAGE Research Methods. For instructions see the guide "How to copy text and images from a web page."
To print an item in PDF Full Text format, you must use the Adobe Reader Print option. First click on the Download PDF button. Next, click the Printer icon in the upper right of the Adobe Reader toolbar, as shown below. This will open up the printer dialog box on your computer so you can print the book chapter.
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