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SCoE: Ed.D. Library Resources

Select Library Resources for Ed.D Students


Navigator Search, National University Library

Search for articles, books, dissertations, and more


Key Concepts in Organizational Innovation

Sample Search

Run this search in All EBSCO Databases

Limit the search fields to "Subject"

Limit the date publication to the last 5 years:

How to Focus Your Search

Begin with the BIG IDEA: organizational innovation

Focus on major subtopic: leader OR leadership

Narrow focus to problem: issues OR problems OR challenges OR barriers

Identify other terms or synonyms: Look at the SUBJECTS field to see how expert indexers categorize or "tag" major themes in articles. Incorporate these ideas into your searches. Consider limiting to a discipline.

See the examples below:

Note the highlighted terms from the search!

Finding Full-Text

Finding full-text is easy if you know what you're looking for (refer to image below):

  1. In most databases you can simply limit to ONLY articles that have full-text available.
  2. In NavigatorSearch and other EBSCO databases, you can select the "Click to look for full text" option under an article to see if it is available in another library database.
  3. Articles with PDF full text availability will show up with the "PDF Full Text" icon under the article record.

Find Full Text (based on previous text)

Click image for larger view.

Selected Journals