Strategic Marketing Planning: A Step-by-Step Approach by Karel Jan AlsemThis book provides a uniquely practical approach to strategic marketing planning. Combining a comprehensive overview of theory with practice, each chapter takes the reader step by step through the strategic marketing process. Beginning with situation analysis, it moves on to marketing strategy (targeting and brand positioning) and finally details the overall implementation and creation of customer values. This second edition has been fully updated to integrate both sustainability and digitalization throughout the whole strategic planning process, covering analyzing consumer needs, setting goals, choosing a brand positioning, and marketing communication. Subjects such as big data, AI, online behavioral targeting, influencer marketing, and social media are explored, accompanied by plentiful examples. A unique feature is the full integration of sustainability within normal marketing, led by a new customer value model. Strategic Marketing Planning equips the reader with the necessary tools and techniques to develop and deliver a thorough and effective marketing strategy. With a broad range of international case studies that bring the theory to life, this well-renowned text is vital reading for undergraduate and postgraduate students of marketing management and strategic marketing. It should also be of interest to marketing practitioners who want a clear overview to aid them in the planning process. Support materials include PowerPoint slides.
ISBN: 9781032463834
Publication Date: 2023
Smart and Sustainable Interactive Marketing by Hamid Reza Irani (Editor); Hamed Nozari (Editor)In today's world, sustainability is no longer just a buzzword; it is a fundamental concern for businesses seeking to thrive. Traditional marketing strategies often fall short of aligning with the values and expectations of today's socially conscious consumers. Marketers are grappling with the issue of reconciling traditional marketing with the demands of the modern, environmentally conscious consumers. The marketing landscape is rapidly evolving, and businesses are challenged to embrace sustainability while leveraging transformative digital technologies. Smart and Sustainable Interactive Marketing is designed to address this very challenge. This book recognizes this issue as the first step toward its resolution. It delves into the intricate dimensions and features of sustainable marketing, shedding light on how it can harmonize with the contemporary economy and the principles of sustainable development. The book identifies the need for transformation and integration of digital technologies, such as artificial intelligence, to bridge the gap between traditional marketing and sustainability. This resource offers a compelling solution for academic scholars, students, and professionals alike. Smart and Sustainable Interactive Marketing emphasizes the impact of transformative technologies and their role in the sustainability of marketing and sales systems. The book equips readers with the knowledge and tools necessary to address the challenges and opportunities presented by Industry 5.0 and Society 5.0. This is a must-read for those seeking to usher in a new era of marketing that is not only smart but also eco-conscious and ready to meet the demands of the fourth industrial revolution.
Advances in Digital Marketing in the ERA of Artificial Intelligence by Moez LtifiThis book highlights the technological advances that are transforming the future of digital marketing and covers important areas of research in this field. The book demonstrates advances in digital marketing as well as tools, techniques, methods and strategies based on artificial intelligence.
ISBN: 9781032585116
Publication Date: 2024-07-01
Social Media Marketing Management by David Mhlanga; Robert Ebo HinsonThis book responds to calls for a systematic approach in understanding the transformations in the social media marketing landscape. To narrow the focus, the book takes a developing economy perspective and presents a comprehensive understanding of social media practices and how these can be integrated in firms' operational activities to create a competitive advantage. In emerging markets and developing economies (EMDEs), social media provides a technological solution to the economic challenges faced by governments, firms, and people at the bottom of the economic pyramid. Social media is often considered to be fundamentally changing the business paradigm and is increasingly integrated into the marketing function, and EMDEs seem to be quickly finding out that it offers them a relatively low-cost opportunity to potentially leapfrog the competition in developed markets. By using social technology to reach users in different market segments in ways that were impossible before, social sites such as Facebook and X (formerly Twitter) create tremendous new growth opportunities for businesses. As businesses embrace social media solutions however, some challenges emerge in the adoption, utilisation, integration, and implementation of social media systems and tools in EMDEs-- hence the need to provide pathways to better integrate social media into the marketing activities of emerging market institutions. This book provides practical guidance on the use of social media in marketing management. It provides contemporary perspectives on social media marketing, and while it is aimed primarily at practitioners, it could also serve as teaching text for undergraduate and postgraduate teaching programmes.