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Research Methodology and Design

This guide features NU Library resources for studying and planning research methodology and design.

Seminal Authors and Methodologies

This page will outline library resources to learn about seminal authors in research design and methodology, especially helpful for those in ERD-8400, week 8. 

  • Mixed Methods Research: Creswell
  • Action Research: Kurt Lewin
  • Case Study: Yin or Stake
  • Grounded Theory: Charmaz, Glaser, and Strauss, or Corbin and Strauss
  • Narrative Inquiry: Connelly and Clandinin
  • Phenomenology: van Manen or Moustakas

Beyond the authors below, there are other seminal authors that you can refer to as well. You are highly encouraged to seek academic literature through the NU Library, and the librarians will be happy to assist you in locating relevant materialsPlease use the SAGE Navigator database to uncover seminal research. Also see: Quick SAGE Navigator video tutorial.

For more on the process of locating seminal works, check out or page: "Finding Seminal Works" located under "Resources for a Literature Review" on the left menu panel.

To learn more about research methods & design, please see our Research Methods & Design Library Guide, located under "Resources for Dissertation Research" 

FAQ: How do I find seminal works on qualitative, quantitative, or mixed methods research design?

Case Study: Yin or Stake

Unfortunately, neither seminal text is available, however, have the following alternatives linked below.

Also see our Case Study page of the Research Methods & Design Guide.

Supplemental resources (especially books) are not necessarily in the Library, and might require that you obtain them through your local public or college library. You can search to see if a library near you owns the book. Search for the book, then on the book summary page enter your ZIP code in the "Enter your location" box to see if any local libraries own the title. Alternatively, you might want to consider renting or purchasing this book through Amazon, or another online book vendor. Click here to view the options available from Amazon.  
To find other publications by Robert K. Yin, we recommend a Roadrunner Author Search. Click here to access a search limited to the author and full-text resources (articles, book chapters, reports, etc.). 
Finally, we recommend using SAGE Research Methods to locate full-text e-books on case study research. To access SAGE Research Methods, go to Research Resources and select A-Z Databases

External resources:

From the Google Scholar search results, please see Stake, R. E. (1978). The case study method in social inquiry. Educational researcher7(2), 5-8. (attached)

Grounded Theory: Charmaz, Glaser, and Strauss, or Corbin and Strauss

Mixed Methods Research: Creswell

John W. Creswell is an American academic known for his work in mixed methods research. He has written numerous journal articles and books on mixed methods research, research methods, and qualitative research. He also founded the SAGE journal, the Journal of Mixed Methods Research.

We do not have the following book: Creswell, J.W., & Creswell, J.D. (2018). Research design: Quantitative, qualitative, and mixed-methods approaches (5th ed.). SAGE. 

Creswell has also authored Qualitative Inquiry and Research Design: Choosing Among Five Traditions available in the NU Library (1998 edition) or available online (2007 edition).

Narrative Inquiry: Connelly and Clandinin

Unfortunately, the seminal text by both authors is not available. However, we do have a seminal text by Clandinin alone.

Please see our NavigatorSearch for Narrative Inquiry, here.