From Diversity to Inclusion to Equity: A Theory of Generative Interactions Bernstein, R. S., Bulger, M., Salipante, P., & Weisinger, J. Y. (2020). From Diversity to Inclusion to Equity: A Theory of Generative Interactions. Journal of Business Ethics, 167(3), 395–410.
This paper develops a practice-based Theory of Generative Interactions across diversity that builds on empirical findings and conceptual frameworks from multiple fields of study. This transdisciplinary review (Montuori in World Futures 69:200–230, 2013) draws on the disciplines of sociology, social psychology, organization studies, and communications. The Theory of Generative Interactions suggests that in order to facilitate inclusion, multiple types of exclusionary dynamics (self-segregation, communication apprehension, and stereotyping and stigmatizing) must be overcome through adaptive cognitive processing and skill development, and engagement in positive interactions must occur in order to facilitate inclusion that is created and sustained by contextually relevant sets of organizational practices.