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Ethical Issues and Responsibilities in International and Global Education

Lesson 7 Resources

Required Resources / Curated OER

Fostering Ethical Reflections on the Impact of Information Communication Technologies in a University Class
Arrien, O. U., Alberdi, G. B., Sasia Santos, P. M., Lopez, I. P., Mansilla, D. C., Urquijo, B. S., & Moran, A. E. (2022). Fostering ethical reflections on the impact of Information Communication Technologies in a university class. 2022 31st Annual Conference of the European Association for Education in Electrical and Information Engineering (EAEEIE).  
During the academic year 2021-22 at the University of Deusto (Bilbao, Spain), a Teaching Innovation Project conducted a study to examine students’ development of the ethical sense when it comes to dealing with Information and Communication Technologies implications in subjects related to computer engineering. This article looks at case studies within technology and ties to the current lesson and the previous module on technology;

Bringing Ethics into the Classroom: Making a Case for Frameworks, Multiple Perspectives and Narrative Sharing. International Education Studies
Mathur, S. R., & Corley, K. M. (2014). Bringing Ethics into the Classroom: Making a Case for Frameworks, Multiple Perspectives and Narrative Sharing. International Education Studies, 7(9), 136–147. 
In Module 1, Lesson 2, you started reading this article. Here you will review pp 136-140 and then read the rest of the article (pp. 140-147) as you work on your case creation. The authors provide a rationale for case studies and then specific suggestions for case analysis.

“Ethics Unwrapped”
“Ethics Unwrapped” 2022. McCombs School of Business, University of Texas. 
This short video provides an excellent overview of the field of applied ethics.

Optional Resources

The Ethics of Teaching
Strike, K. &. Soltis. (2009), J.F.  The Ethics of Teaching, 5th Edition: Vol. Fifth edition. Teachers College Press.
Chapter 8 features several case-study formats and samples that may be helpful as you create your own case study. Although most are based on ethical issues in U.S. settings, the format and the general topics may be applicable.