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Professional Practice with Organizations and Communities

Lesson 4 Resources

Required Resources 

Macro Social Work Practice:  Advocacy in Action 
Tice, Long, & Cox (2019).  Macro Social Work Practice:  Advocacy in Action.  California:  Sage Publishing. 

Ch. 8:  Administration and Leadership:  Building on Advocacy and Strengths   
This chapter describes different kinds of leadership roles and tasks and the unique approach social workers take in defining leadership. The content here will be helpful in preparing the interview questions for the community leader assignment in Module 2. 

The Politics of Healing: Creating Safe Clinical Space for activists in Trump Era 
Vanessa Jackson, fl. 2001-2017, & Microtraining Associates. (1970, January 1). The Politics of Healing: Creating Safe Clinical Space for activists in Trump Era. The Politics of Healing: Creating Safe Clinical Space for Activists in Trump Era | Alexander Street, part of Clarivate. 

Community Organizing, and Video Activism 
Robe, C. (2020). El Grito de Sunset Park: Cop Watching, Community organizing, and video activism. JCMS: Journal of Cinema and Media Studies, 59(2), 62. 

Community Investments 
Community investments. United Way Chattanooga. 


The Politics of Healing: Creating Safe Clinical Space for Activists in Trump Era 
presented by Vanessa Jackson, fl. 2001-2017; produced by Microtraining Associates (Alexandria, VA: Microtraining Associates, 2017), 37 mins 

Anti-Oppressive Social Work Practice 
Tedam, P. (2021).  Anti-oppressive social work practice.  CA: Learning Matters, A Sage Publishing Company. 

Part One: Theories and Concepts  
This section of the book explores:  understanding oppression, valuing diversity, power and powerlessness, models of anti-oppressive practice and social justice.  The content here will be helpful in preparing the interview questions for the community leader assignment in Module 2. 

Access the Redshelf book from your course in the Getting Started module, or from the Bookshelf link, on the top navigation bar.