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Module 6 Required Resources


  • In the Flanagan & Alfonso text read the chapters:  
    • Chapter 7 -- A Response to Intervention (RTI) Approach to SLD Identification (pp. 221-256) 
      • Chapter 7 provides an overview of SLD Identification using the RTI process. The SLD definition is explored, including the exclusionary aspects of SLD. The flip side is also considered, an inclusionary aspect of SLD identification. Adequate instruction, interventions, and instructional responses are explored and explained in relation to student learning. The use of RTI is explored in relation to SLD identification. The RTI framework and structure are investigated.   
    • Chapter 8 -- Using Student Response to Intervention to Identify SLD: Requirements, Recommendations, and Future Research (pp. 257-284) 
      • Chapter Eight includes the definition of RTI and the processes involved in RTI.  The chapter includes information explaining what screening tools are and how they are used. It explores aspects related to the whole class's need. Deficits are defined and the process of monitoring interventions is included. A case is made for RTI as a legal process for identifying SLD.    


RTI/MTSS is not only a systematic way to support all learners but it can also be used for the purposes of special education assessment. Specific Learning Disabilities can be evaluated using the discrepancy model and the PSW model. Additionally, data obtained through RTI/MTSS can be used to support eligibility for special education when students do not respond to evidence-based interventions. The use of RTI/MTSS as a model for SLD identification still requires assessment to be completed by the assessment team. You will explore the RTI model for SLD identification this week.