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Week 3 Required Resources



Whitcomb, S. A. (2018). Behavioral, social, and emotional assessment of children and adolescents (5th ed.). Routledge. 


  • Chapter 5 - Behavior Rating Scales (pp 127-153) 

    • Chapter 5 includes information about behavior rating scales. Rating scales and checklists will be reviewed in terms of the differences between them.  Issues and challenges associated with the use of behavior rating scales will be reviewed. A few different rating scales will be reviewed (ASEBA, BASC-3, Conners’-3).   

  • Chapter 8 - Self-Report Assessments (pp.213-235) 

    • Chapter 8 includes information about self-report assessments. The foundations of self-report assessment are explored along with the historical foundations of personality testing. The three approaches to developing objective self-report tests are reviewed.  Several self-report batteries are examined.