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Week 6 Required Resources


Wilber, K., & Patten, T. (2008). Integral life practice. Integral Books. (ILP) 

  • Chapter 8: Integral Ethics provides an overview of prominent ethical approaches and models and introduces a number of ethical practices that can be incorporated into one’s Integral Life Practice routine. Chapter 9: Living Your Life as Practice is self-explanatoryly titled, offering practical and helpful tips for relating to daily life from an ILP perspective. 

Walsh, R. (2000). Essential Spirituality: The 7 Central Practices to Awaken Heart and Mind. Trade Paper Press. 

  • The readings covered in the assigned page range offer complementary perspectives on ethics and daily integral practice from the points of view of multiple world religious and philosophical traditions. 

Your course textbook can be accessed via the eDART link in the Getting Started module.


In this helpful explainer video, Jeremy Rifkin provides an overview of key ideas from his book, The Empathic Civilization, on laying the groundwork for an ethical, empathically centered, and informed culture.