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PSY-5404 V3

Week 4 Required Resources

Spotlight on Skills: Preparing a White Paper

A white paper is an authoritative, informative guide or report that aims to identify a problem, propose a solution, or assist in decision making. In short, the purpose of a white paper is to inform and persuade. The intended audience of a white paper could be the general public or possibly an organization or groups of organizations looking to address needs or find solutions to problems. The author’s main goal again is to be persuasive and to ensure she addresses the needs of her audience. The content of a white paper should include the following basic elements: A compelling introduction - This is where you present the problem and summarize your solution succinctly in a paragraph or two. The problem or description of the opportunity - In this area, offer details to support your description with solid, factual evidence. A baseline solution to the problem - In this section, present your solution as the best possible response. A conclusion – In this area, state the problem and present your approach to understanding or solving the issue. When it comes to formatting a white paper, there is no right or wrong way nor is there any single method or approach. You may want to create an outline before you begin writing to assist in the clear flow of your white paper. A white paper may or may not feature a title page and abstract. You also may wish to include images, charts, graphs, and other figures to back up your claims and capture your audience’s attention. There is no set page limit for white papers. It depends on how much space you need to convey your compelling message. Just keep your audience in mind when determining the length of your white paper. Remember, the overall goal is to be persuasive, informative, and call your audience to action.

White Paper Examples from NU Library Databases:

Additional Resources for Writing White Papers:

Optional Resources