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Research Process

These pages offer an introduction to the research process at a very general level.

Citing Articles

Another resourceful method for uncovering similar resources is to take a look at the citing articles, or the articles which cited your original article. This can be an effective method particularly when you are looking for the latest research on your topic. You will be moving forward in time given that the citing articles are building off of the research established in your original article.

A number of Library databases will include hyperlinks to Citing Articles. Below is a comprehensive list of Library databases with accompanying screenshots which provide Cited By or Times Cited lists. Each individual reference will either have a PDF file available for immediate viewing or may feature our link resolver button, Article Linker.

Article Linker will connect you to the full text resource within another Library database if it is available. If Article Linker does not connect you to the full text, you may want to consider requesting the item through InterLibrary Loan.

For additional information, see the following:

Google Scholar

Google Scholar is a freely accessible web search engine that indexes the full text of scholarly literature across an array of publishing formats and disciplines.

To make searching in Google Scholar more effective, we recommend linking your Google Scholar account to NU Library. See our Google Scholar FAQ for instructions on how to do so.

Select the Cited by link under a Google Scholar search result to see newer sources of information that have cited the original resource:

Google Scholar screenshot with the "Cited by" link highlighted.

To learn more, see the quick tutorial below:

Use the following links to access additional information about using Google Scholar for research:

Citing Articles in Library Databases

ACM Digital Library article record screen with the Cited By tab highlighted.

Annual Reviews article record screen with the "This Review is Cited By" link highlighted.

IEEE search results screen with the Cited by area highlighted.

ProQuest search results screen with the Cited by link highlighted.

SAGE Journals Online will connect you to citing articles via Google Scholar. SAGE also allows you to set up an email alert whenever that article is cited.

SAGE Journals Online article record screen with the "Citing articles via Google Scholar" link highlighted.

ScienceDirect article record screen with the Citing articles link highlighted.

Citations are available from the article record page directly below the abstract.

Taylor & Francis article record screen with the Citations tab highlighted.


You can also view the most cited articles (within the last 3 years) for that journal using the navigation to the left of your article record page.

Taylor & Francis article record screen with the "Most cited articles" tab highlighted.

Citing articles are available from the article record page to the right of the citation and abstract.

Web of Knowledge also allows you to set up a citation alert so that you are emailed whenever that article is cited. 

There is an additional feature available from Web of Knowledge that allows users to create Citation Reports. A Citation Report is a graphical representation that shows the citation relationships (cited references and citing articles) between a paper and other papers using various visualization tools and techniques. 

To run a citation report, click on the link that states the number of citations within the database searched. In the example below, the user would click on the link, 19 Times Cited. 


Next, click on Citation Report within the results that appear. 



This will generate a Citation Report using all the citations within the list. 



Within the citation report, you can run more detailed analytics that provides data based on author, year, journal title, subject category, and more. Click on the purple Analyze Results button to the right to retrieve this analysis. The citation report and analytics can be useful for a number of reasons including seeing the impact your original article has over diverse multidisciplinary subject fields, seeing how widespread a paper has been distributed and read, and seeing which institutions cited and were cited by the original article.


Wiley Online Library article record screen with the Cited By tab highlighted.

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