The Healthcare Quality Book by David B. Nash; Maulik Joshi; Elizabeth R. Ransom; Scott B. RansomISBN: 9781640550537
Publication Date: 2019-04-01
Goldfield, N. (2019). History and the quality landscape. In D. B. Nash, M. Joshi, E. R. Ransom, & S. B. Ransom (Eds.), The healthcare quality book: Vision, strategy, and tools (4th ed., pp. 49-74. Health Administration Press.
Read Chapter 2. This chapter will provide groundwork for your research into the early work of experts in the field of quality management.
Read Chapter 1. This chapter will provide an introduction to the application of quality models into healthcare arena and the Statistical Process Control model.
Read Chapter 12. This chapter will introduce quality metrics, quality control, and quality improvement.