The Healthcare Quality Book by David B. Nash; Maulik Joshi; Elizabeth R. Ransom; Scott B. RansomISBN: 9781640550537
Publication Date: 2019-04-01
Balestracci, D. (2019). Statistical tools for quality improvement. In D. B. Nash, M. Joshi, E. R. Ransom, & S. B. Ransom (Eds.), The healthcare quality book: Vision, strategy, and tools (4th ed., pp. 127-169). Health Administration Press.
Read Chapter 5. This chapter provides a discussion on the processes that go into measuring and analyzing data. It also gives examples of various types of charts to display performance data.
Read Chapter 4. Byrnes provides types of data collection and examples of dashboards that yields relevant and reliable information of healthcare quality outcomes and patient satisfaction.
Read Chapter 9. The measurement of patient satisfaction denoting quality evolved to measuring the patient experience following the reports by the Institute of Medicine To Err is Human and Crossing the Quality Chasm. A more in-depth examination was called for that looked at the type of experience the patient had with effective communication by providers and the anticipation and responsiveness to the patient’s needs and concerns.