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Relational/Systemic Application in Larger Systems

Lesson 1 Resources

Required Resources  

(Building Responsibility, Equality, and Dignity) B.R.E.A.D.
A 501(c)3 nonprofit and non-partisan organization. We were founded in 1996 and are currently made up of 44 member congregations representing the religious, racial, socio-economic, and geographic diversity of Columbus and Franklin County. Our mission is to powerfully address serious community problems by holding public officials accountable for implementing proven solutions. While non-profit work is often associated with direct service (providing immediate and often temporary relief to victims of community problems), BREAD operates differently by engaging in direct action. By building the power of organized people in our community, we work to hold decision-makers accountable to solve the community problems that create victims in the first place. Review the following Website & Video Clips. This website introduces you to a community organization focused on creating macro-systemic change. Be sure to explore their goals for change and their approach to creating it. 

People’s Justice Project  
Policy reform will not be able to dismantle the deeply embedded systemic inequities in our state. Similarly, neither community organizing nor civic engagement can independently leverage the lasting changes needed without highly capable policy advocacy structures to promote and monitor statutory, policy, programmatic, and funding reforms. Each method on its own comes up short. However, when policy changes are driven and supported by a base of critically conscious community members who have experienced the impact of these inequities and who are actively engaged in their communities and the electoral process, systemic change is possible. Based upon this theory of change, the PJP engages in three core approaches – Community Organizing, Public Policy Reform, and Electoral Engagement and Mobilization. Review the following Website & Video Clips. This website introduces you to a community organization focused on creating macro-systemic change. Be sure to explore both their goals for change and their approach to creating it 

Systems Consultation and Head Start: An Alternative to Traditional Family 
McDowell, T. (1999). Systems consultation and Head Start: An alternative to traditional family therapy. Journal of Marital and Family Therapy, 25(2), 155–168. 
This article helps you discover the bridges connecting family system change and larger systemic change. 

The Impostor Phenomenon Revisited: Examining the Relationship between Workplace Impostor Thoughts and Interpersonal Effectiveness at Work 
Tewfik, B. A. (2022). The impostor phenomenon revisited: Examining the relationship between workplace impostor thoughts and interpersonal effectiveness at work. Academy of Management Journal, 65(3), 988. 
Read this article prior to responding to the question prompts in Reflection 1.