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Relational/Systemic Application in Larger Systems

Lesson 6 Resources

Required Resources 

Parable of "The Bridge" by Edwin Friedman 
bonnersd. (2019, May 31). Parable of "the bridge" by Edwin Friedman. YouTube. Retrieved from 

Step Ten: Create Some Napkin Pitches 
University of Virginia Darden (Producer). (2016). Step ten: Create some napkin pitches [Video/DVD]. The University of Virginia Darden.
A napkin pitch is like an elevator pitch but a little longer. Imagine being able to sketch out your recommendations for change on the back of a napkin while engaging with a few people in conversation. Use this to help you map out what to include with Assignment 6. 

Who Takes the Floor and Why: Gender, Power, and Volubility in Organizations 
Brescoll, V. L. (2011). Who Takes the Floor and Why: Gender, Power, and Volubility in Organizations. Administrative Science Quarterly, 56(4), 622– 641. 
This article reports on 3 studies conducted to explore the connection between gender, power, and how much-speaking space individuals claim within an organization. 

Standing and Responding in Solidarity with Disenfranchised Immigrant Families in the United States: An Ongoing Call for Action 
Wieling, E., Trejo, A. N., Ellen Patterson, J., Weingarten, K., Falicov, C., Hernández, A. V., Cook Heffron, L., Faulkner, M., & Rubén Parra-Cardona, J. (2020). Standing and Responding in Solidarity with Disenfranchised Immigrant Families in the United States: An Ongoing Call for Action. Journal of Marital and Family Therapy, 46(4), 561–576. 
This study explores a macrosystem – the US immigration system – and discusses power, policy-making and potential interventions for change that MFTs could adopt. 

Escaping the Sisyphean Trap: Systemic Criminal Justice System Reform 
Mears, D. P. (2022). Escaping the Sisyphean Trap: Systemic Criminal Justice System Reform. American Journal of Criminal Justice: The Journal of the Southern Criminal Justice Association, 1–20. 
The author contrasts the struggle to reform the criminal justice system with a systemic approach to changing the criminal justice system 

Positioning Health Equity Within a Systems Thinking Framework to Evaluate Coalitions and Collaborative Initiatives 
Hilgendorf, A. E., Moore, T. R., Wells, A., & Stanley, J. (2020). Positioning Health Equity Within a Systems Thinking Framework to Evaluate Coalitions and Collaborative Initiatives. New Directions for Evaluation, 91–102. 
This article explores the use of systems theory in developing more equitable collaboration in change initiatives, using health care as the focal system