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Relational/Systemic Application in Larger Systems

Lesson 8 Resources

Ripple Effects Mapping: Capturing the Wider Impacts of Systems Change Efforts in Public Health 
Nobles, J., Wheeler, J., Dunleavy-Harris, K., Holmes, R., Inman-Ward, A., Potts, A., Hall, J., Redwood, S., Jago, R., & Foster, C. (2022). Ripple effects mapping: capturing the wider impacts of systems change efforts in public health. BMC Medical Research Methodology, 22(1), 72. 

Adapting to Climate Change: Leveraging Systems-Focused Multidisciplinary Research to Promote Resilience 
Amolegbe, S. M., Lopez, A. R., Velasco, M. L., Carlin, D. J., Heacock, M. L., Henry, H. F., Trottier, B. A., & Suk, W. A. (2022). Adapting to climate change: Leveraging systems-focused multidisciplinary research to promote resilience. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 19(22).